A Man Who Refused to Eat for 382 Days and Lost 275 Pounds
1,057,804 views Jun 21, 2019 #brightside#weightloss#fasting
The lengths people will go to lose weight is sometimes scary. You’ve heard of those questionable diet pills, teas, and even body creams that supposedly help you burn fat. But one of the most dangerous ways to slim down is prolonged fasting, and one man took it to the extreme when he stopped eating altogether for over a year! Angus Barbieri holds the Guinness World Record for the longest hunger strike, which lasted 382 days.
Even now scientists don’t quite understand how he could live without food for such a long time and not harm his health. Most scientists are convinced that giving up food for more than 40 days can be extremely dangerous for our health. So, what was this man’s reason for doing something this risky and how he could live for such a long time without food?