Billionaires Who Don’t Want You to Know They’re Richer Than You Think
3,252,613 views Feb 7, 2018
Asked to name the world’s billionaires, you will likely cite Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Well, you aren’t exactly wrong going with traditional sources such as the Forbes Billionaire List. However, some individuals aren’t on this list but control an immeasurable amount of dark wealth.
Levels of Wealth: Inside The Secret Lives of The Ultra-Rich
4,454,697 views May 19, 2021
If you earned $1 per second, then to make 1 million dollars would take you about 11 and a half days. But to make 1 billion dollars, would take you over 31 and a half years. You see, it’s easy to think of wealth in terms of rich or poor, but broadly speaking, there are arguably 5 different levels of rich, and at each level, things change very drastically.
The difference between what a millionaire can do, and a billionaire can do, is simply staggering. In this video we’ll be exploring what life is like at each of these different wealth levels, and delving into how the ultra-rich spend their money, including some of their most bizarre and extravagant purchases. But, as you’re watching, you’ll realize that one of the biggest changes that happens at each wealth level, is perspective.
Because prices feel relative to how much you earn. So if you compare someone whose earning $40,000 a year with someone earning 400 million a year, it’s 10,000 times more. Which means: A lambo that costs $300,000, to them is the equivalent of spending $30. A $10 million piece of art? Feels like $1,000. So whilst to us those purchases would feel so major, to a billionaire, it’s not even something they need to think about. And of course, when you’re that wealthy, it’s not just items and experiences you can buy.
But we’ll get to that… Let’s instead start off, with the first level of rich: The Top 1% Even though this phrase is synonymous with being extremely rich, if your income is over about $200,000 a year, you would technically be part of the top 1% of worldwide earners. And so being in the top 1% may not make you feel quite as rich as you think. Which is why beyond this level, wealth starts being measured in net worth rather than income, as the more wealth you have, the more assets you have, and you’re probably not making your money from a salary.
So the next level of rich is a Net Worth of $10 Million – $30 Million This levels of wealth video will look at ALL the other levels of wealth, including the difference between millionaires and billionaires. We’ll also look at some of the craziest things rich people buy – including some of the most expensive items ever and rarest purchases the ultra-rich make. We’ll also be visualizing wealth in different ways, looking at wealth inequality, and understand how billionaires buy a lot more than just expensive items and experiences.
This post was inspired by reddit poster a1988eli (and then matched with my own research & analysis) who had spent a lot of time with several ultra-rich people, and therefore had great insights about the levels of wealth. His original comment was on the reddit post ‘What do insanely wealthy people buy, that ordinary people know nothing about?’ This levels of wealth video was produced within the the parameters of the fair use doctrine. Please contact if you have any questions about the contents of this video.
SECRET that allows you NOT to WORK! The Proven Way to Wealth | John D. Rockefeller
1,892,008 views Jun 21, 2022 #howtobecomebillionaire#rich#financialeducation
John Rockefeller is the best example for every aspiring entrepreneur. Rockefeller clearly knew several secrets of wealth and used them intelligently. So if you dream of getting rich, you should take a closer look at the biography of the famous billionaire. In this video, all the secrets of John Rockefeller will be revealed.
You will learn how to become rich and make more money without working. Because work nowadays, a waste of time, it is better to think about passive income or business. John Rockefeller’s secrets motivate you to think about. Because with John Rockefeller’s advice you can easily forget about work and become a real businessman, able to attract money into your pocket.
Why is Switzerland home to so many billionaires?
1,137,733 views Feb 5, 2024 #billionaire#CNBC#wealth
Switzerland is populated with billionaires — there’s one for every 80,000 people. As of 2022, the country was home to an estimated 110 billionaires with a combined wealth of $338 billion, outranking other super-rich hotspots such as Saudi Arabia, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates. Swiss residents are also among the richest in the world, with a mean net worth of almost $700,000, ahead of U.S. and Hong Kong.
So, what makes Switzerland such an attractive place for the uber wealthy, and how does that extreme wealth affect the rest of Swiss society? Watch the video to find out.