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Countries That Will Pay You to Live There

3,395,195 views Jun 18, 2023 #acrosstheglobe#travel#freeliving Top 10 Countries That Will Pay You to Live There Life can feel expensive these days. Between the cost of living and the cost of housing, sometimes you may feel like you can barely afford to pay your regular expenses, let alone save. But can you imagine the opposite…

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20 Japanese School Rules You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

1,293,022 views Aug 27, 2023 Top 20 Japanese School Rules You Won’t Believe Actually Exist. We all come from different backgrounds with different cultures. And with every culture comes different traditions and rules. When it comes to schools, there are some rules we expect to be the same or normal. But you can’t say the…

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How Japan’s Maglev Train Works

2,091,107 views Aug 19, 2023 Sign up to Brilliant using my link and get a 30 day free trial AND 20% off your an annual subscription: https://brilliant.org/realengineering Watch this video ad free on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/realengineer…

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The repercussion of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima | History Calls | FULL DOCUMENTARY

2,742,137 views Jun 29, 2023 HIROSHIMA In the summer of 1945, the nightmare is ending for thousands of soldiers. In Japan, the situation is desperate. The Empire of the Rising Sun no longer has the means to continue the war. It can’t stem the American advance. Its centres of industry have been systematically destroyed by…

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Why Is Japan So Rich?

1,176,310 views May 1, 2023 Why is Japan so Rich? How did the Land of the Rising Sun become one of the wealthiest countries in the world? This video will start from Japan’s isolation to the Meiji Restoration all the way to the Asian Financial Crisis in the 1990s. Join Patreon:   / historyscope   Credits – Research:…

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The Most Futuristic City in the World | TOKYO

231,108 views Sep 10, 2023 Inside the Most Futuristic City in the World of Tokyo, Japan Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: https://www.masterworks.art/brettconti Subscribe for more travel videos @brettconti Follow my Instagram @brettcconti Subscribe to my Newsletter https://bit.ly/gogetternewsletter Traveling to Tokyo, Japan to…

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The $41 Billion Plan for Tokyo

2,153,349 views Sep 30, 2023 Get an exclusive @Surfshark deal! Enter promo code HOOGDEAL for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/hoogdeal This is a video on multiple plans to build cities on Tokyo’s bay. This includes Kenzo Tange’s famous 1960 plan. This video would not have been possible without: Rem Koolhaas and Hans Ulrich…

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Welcome to the Bangkok Hilton: Inside Thailand’s notorious drug prisons | 60 Minutes Australia

6,974,245 views Aug 6, 2021 #60MinutesAustralia Subscribe here: http://9Soci.al/chmP50wA97J Full Episodes: https://9now.app.link/uNP4qBkmN6 | Bangkok Hilton (2004) You’d have to be very desperate or very stupid to do drugs in Thailand. After all, the warnings couldn’t be any clearer, the penalties any tougher. But still Australians keep getting caught. Still, they’re shocked when they find themselves…

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Welcome to Bangkok, Thailand | DW Documentary

1,809,111 views Nov 26, 2017 Thailand’s capital city, Bangkok, is unique. This film reveals the best spots: well-known locations, and places off the beaten track. Our report provides a detailed guide to Asia’s most exciting city. For transportation, visitors and local residents alike can choose from motorized rickshaws, taxis, subways, or the sky train. There…

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How Amsterdam’s Fight Against Pot and Sex Tourism Is Changing the City

386,573 views Jun 28, 2023 #netherlands#amsterdam#tourism Amsterdam is riddled with tourists. Residents can no longer sleep at night because of bawling tourists in the old town. Although visitors generate income to stores, hotels, and brothels, new laws will curb the impact of tourists’ grim behavior. Drinking alcohol and smoking pot on the street will be…

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Bangladesh: People Struggling to Survive in the Most Overpopulated Country in the World

1,085,373 views Sep 20, 2023 #bangladesh#pakistan#india Bangladesh is a land of troubles: the water here is black, the traffic is insane, the people are poor, and the metro only goes one way; children don’t go to school, because they have to help their parents earn a living, and men sell their girlfriends to brothels. Bangladesh…

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Delhi, India’s MEGACITY: Capital of a Billion People

2,842,221 views Mar 3, 2022 India’s capital and most populous city is Delhi, home to 31 million residents. Subscribe to TDC:    / thedailyconversation   This is the most populous city, and the capital, of a country that will soon have more people than anywhere else on Earth. Home to more than 31 million residents, it’s a chaotic…

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7 Days in the Most Dangerous Country in the World 🇦🇫

3,162,187 views Nov 29, 2023 AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan is not a country that is easily broken. No matter what death or destruction has happened in this country, life perseveres, and it’s a testament to the spirit of the Afghan people. The narratives of good and evil don’t always neatly fit over any country, let alone one…

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15 Weird Things That Only Exist In North Korea

2,333,039 views Mar 31, 2023 For copyright matters, please contact: bosstech148@gmail.com Welcome to Topdiscovery! Here, you’ll find all the most interesting and mind-blowing discoveries we’ve come across. Our videos are packed with fun and engaging content that will leave you saying, “Wow, I didn’t know that!” From the strange and bizarre to the latest scientific…