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Sadhguru on How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People

17,263,369 views Oct 27, 2018 #Sadhguru During a conversation with Angella Nazarian on what it means to be a visionary and a volunteer, Sadhguru looks at how the key to taking charge of your life is to become willing – to become an absolute YES to life!

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Destroy your ego permanently|Gaur Gopal Das

89,288 views Oct 17, 2019 #secreatbehind 89,288 views • Oct 17, 2019 • #secreatbehindThis story of Gaur Gopal Das will destroy your Ego permanently from your life #secreatbehind

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15 year old Yogi. No eat, no drink, no sleep… Only Meditation!

3,521,296 views Oct 5, 2014 Discovery channel documentary on 15 years old boy…who did nothing but meditation. He reveals the power of meditation is above any worldly gains. After this video, he goes to meditate at other place, 7 feet under the ground. Currently, he is alive and preaching in Nepal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram_Bah…

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What Will Happen If You Eat Nothing for 7 Days?

11,308,762 views Jul 16, 2018 How to Fast. What if you decided to quit eating for an entire week? Would it be dangerous for your body? Nowadays, many people prefer to stick to periodical water fasting, so they don’t consume any food and drink apart from water. Water fasting should last for no more than…

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What Happens When You Stop Eating (Science-Based)

4,828,125 views Jan 23, 2022 What happens to your body if you stop eating for a day, a week, or months? Find out what will happen step by step. Do healing benefits come from fasting for an extended period of time? Discover what the scientific evidence has to say about intermittent fasting, water fasting, and…

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Arizona man, 110 years-old, credits long life and health to 5 foods

6,302,012 views Aug 17, 2011 MESA, Arizona – Good old father’s advice and simple foods are credited with helping a Valley man reach a milestone birthday. “Eat properly and get your rest,” recommends Bernando LaPallo. Words to live by considering the Mesa resident was born in Brazil in 1901 and has lived to be 110…

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A 550-Year-Old Man Has Been Found in Japan. How Come He Is Still Alive?

524,398 views Aug 3, 2022 #eldddir_homo#eldddir This year, the oldest man in the world has turned… no, not one hundred twenty, and not even one hundred fifty. A Japanese monk named Shinnyōkai celebrates his five hundred fiftieth birthday! You’re about to find out: how will eating needles make you immortal? Why did the Japanese monks…

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“The Fast of the Faithful: The Enigmatic Story of a Holy Man Who Hasn’t Eaten or Drank for 70 Years”

Nourished by Faith Alone: The Unbelievable Tale of the Man Who Defies Hunger and Thirst for 70 Years Importance of the Topic: This blog topic sheds light on an extraordinary phenomenon that challenges our understanding of human biology and spirituality. It explores the story of a man who, through sheer faith, has reportedly abstained from…

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“In the Footsteps of Adam and Eve: Exploring the Garden of Eden Today”

“Lost and Found: The Fascinating History of the Garden of Eden” 506,974 views Oct 13, 2023 #TheUnXplained Is the Earth actually hollow? See more in this scene lift from Season 6, Episode 1, “The World Beneath Our Feet.” Searching For the REAL Garden of Eden | History’s Greatest Mysteries 105,610 views Feb 6, 2024 #HistorysGreatestMysteries…

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The Last Romanov: Exploring the Story of Grand Duchess Anastasia

Join us on a journey through history as we explore the captivating life and enduring legacy of Grand Duchess Anastasia. From the splendor of the Russian Imperial Court to the mysteries surrounding her tragic fate, Anastasia’s story is one of courage, resilience, and hope. Importance of the Topic Exploring the life and story of Grand…

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“The Hope Diamond: A Tale of Beauty, Curse, and Intrigue”

“Hope Diamond: A Jewel of History, Mystery, and Magnificence” Importance of the Topic The Hope Diamond stands as a symbol of beauty, yet it’s shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Delving into its history allows us to uncover tales of grandeur, curses, and the fascinating journeys it has undertaken. Exploring this gemstone not only reveals its…

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Unlock Happiness: Embrace the Power of Forgiveness Today!

How forgiveness leads to personal growth  – The role of forgiveness in self-discovery Introduction Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can unlock happiness and transform lives. It is an essential aspect of human relationships, offering a path to healing and freedom from the burden of anger and resentment. In this article, we will explore the…

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The Sumerians – Fall of the First Cities

30,506,886 views Aug 16, 2020 In the dusts of Iraq, the ruins of the world’s first civilization lie buried. This episode, we travel into the extremely distant past to look at the Sumerians. These ancient people invented writing and mathematics, and built some of the largest cities that the world had ever seen. Find out…

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The Revolution: President Washington Transforms America (S1, E13) | Full Episode

8,896 views Jul 2, 2023 #TheRevolution George Washington completes his 8-day trip from his home at Mount Vernon, Virginia to New York City where he is inaugurated as the first president of the newly created United States of America. See more in Season 1, Episode 13, “A President and His Revolution.” #TheRevolution George Washington: The…