Decoding da Vinci | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS
4,903,946 views Mar 15, 2023 #NOVAPBS#renaissance#bacchus
Discover the science behind Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpieces—and Mona Lisa’s iconic smile. (Aired November 13, 2019) Official Website: | #NOVAPBS
Leonardo da Vinci was a Renaissance genius. Not only did he paint masterpieces of art, but he was an obsessive scientist and inventor, dreaming up complex machines centuries ahead of his time, including parachutes, armored tanks, hang gliders, and robots. On the 500th anniversary of Leonardo’s death, with the help of biographer Walter Isaacson, NOVA investigates the secrets of Leonardo’s success. How did his scientific curiosity, from dissections of cadavers to studies of optics, shape his genius and help him create perhaps the most famous painting of all time, the “Mona Lisa”?
The Renaissance – The Age of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci (1/2) | DW Documentary
5,217,987 views Apr 28, 2019
Beginning at the end of the 14th Century, the Renaissance created a new type of man, triggering economic, scientific, technical, religious, social and cultural developments that are unique in history. Never before have culture, economics and science developed so rapidly within one century as during the Renaissance. But what was the catalyst for it, what is the “Renaissance factor”?
The Renaissance is an epoch unique in human history: Never before have art, culture, economics and science developed so rapidly within a single century. We search for the “Renaissance factor”, that combination of influences that triggered a pivotal period in history. It is a journey through time from Ancient Rome to the Crusades and the Black Death in the 14th century, events that defined the developments of the Renaissance. We travel with Michelangelo to the major construction site that was to become St. Peter’s Basilica, to the banking houses of the Medicis and the workshop of Johannes Gutenberg. We examine some of the many innovations of the Renaissance such as linear perspective, the printing press and double-entry bookkeeping. We ask what these achievements mean to us today and how – almost half a millennium later – we continue to benefit from the “Renaissance factor.” And we delve deeper with the help of spectacular reenactments and our “special investigators” – modern-day trendsetters, scientists, business tycoons, fashion designers and artists.
How Leonardo da Vinci Changed the World
3,997,334 views Oct 14, 2020 #da#Leonardo#Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Italian artist and polymath who lived during the high renaissance changed the world in a huge way. He is best known for his painting the Mona Lisa, which is the most famous piece of art in the world. Many believe Leonardo da Vinci – Polymath to be one of the greatest artists and painters ever to live, and this is probably true. But Leonardo da Vinci was so much more than just one of the greatest artists.
He was an architect, an astronomer, a botanist, a cartographer, an engineer, a geologist, a hydrodynamicist, a mathematician, a musician, a theatre producer, a scientist, an inventor and much, much more. Leonardo was a pioneer in so many different areas and he truly was a genius. Born in 1452, Leonardo da Vinci lived for 67 years, dying in 1519. Most people only think of him in the context of the Mona Lisa, but he gave the world so much more than just one of the world’s greatest paintings.
His notebooks are stuffed full of so much amazing information, observations and inventions that we’re still learning from today, over 500 years later. Leonardo daVinci was a polymath in its purest form and embodied everything great about the renaissance. He produced art that was easily comparable and often better than Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello or Botticelli, whilst also being a leading intellectual making discoveries in so many different areas. Leonardo da Vinci was perhaps one of the greatest, most talented people ever to live. Many people ask Did Leonardo da Vinci do this or Was Leonardo da Vinci that… well in this video I do my best to answer many of the most popular questions about Leonardo, whilst exploring his life and asking the question How Did Leonardo da Vinci Change the World?