Government Breaks Silence: Strange Encounters | UFO’s Investigating the Unknown
3,086,686 views Apr 26, 2024 #InvestigatingTheUnknown#NationalGeographic#FullEpisode
In 2015 Navy pilots report having strange encounters with UFOs that have no wings, no cockpit, no exhaust, but somehow can fly with great agility.
About UFOs: Investigating the Unknown In 2021, the US government passed legislation mandating an official investigation into UFOs. This provocative series unspools the history leading up to this momentous change and reports on recent developments. It explores what the government made public versus what was kept hidden; citizens’ push for transparency while confronting mass UFO sightings; Navy pilots’ reports of unexplainable technology; new cutting-edge scientific efforts; and what the future might hold for this confounding mystery which is the focus of a deepening and expanding search for answers. #InvestigatingTheUnknown #FullEpisode #NationalGeographic
184,381 views Jan 28, 2024
After years of secrecy the US government has finally revealed evidence which could shatter our perception of mankind’s place in the universe. For decades, secrets have been kept from us. Kept from us by the powers that be. After years of silence and secrecy the US government has finally revealed evidence of extra-terrestrial life which could shatter our very perception of mankind’s place in the universe. Uncover the shocking truth behind the newly revealed Pentagon UFO files as we go deeper than ever before to scrutinize every detail, with in-depth analysis from scientific and military experts.
Now with military confirmation of unexplainable aerial phenomenon, the debate of alien life invading Earth is becoming a foreseeable possibility. Are we ready for what the future holds? And what questions still remain in the Pentagon UFO files. Join some of Britain’s leading UFO researchers as they dissect the most momentous intelligence failure of our generation. Have we been visited by extra-terrestrial beings? Are we alone? You decide.