“If you put her on a pedestal she has no choice but to look down on you”
The Overlooked Truth: How Pedestals Build Walls in Relationships
In the realm of relationships, the act of placing someone on a pedestal is often seen as an ultimate gesture of admiration and love. It’s a grand, almost romantic notion—to lift your partner high above the mundane, to see them as a flawless being deserving of such lofty heights. Yet, in this well-intentioned elevation, lies an overlooked truth: the pedestal you build becomes a wall, not just around her, but between you both.
Imagine, if you will, constructing a monument with your own hands. Each brick, each stone, each careful layer added with the utmost reverence. But as the pedestal rises, so does the distance it creates. She stands atop this towering edifice, now a solitary figure looking down, not out of disdain, but from the sheer inevitability of her position. The pedestal, intended as a tribute, morphs into an isolating pillar.
This dynamic warps the delicate balance of a relationship. Where once there was mutual respect and understanding, now there is an imbalance. The elevated partner, placed so high, feels the pressure of perfection, the burden of always being ‘above’. She becomes an untouchable idol rather than a relatable companion. The partner who built the pedestal, meanwhile, grapples with feelings of inadequacy, unable to bridge the self-imposed chasm.
Pedestals, though seemingly noble, foster an environment where true connection is stifled. The walls they build are unseen but deeply felt, transforming admiration into isolation. The partner on the pedestal can no longer share vulnerabilities or imperfections, for they must maintain the illusion of flawlessness. The admirer, on the other hand, loses the chance to be seen as an equal, to stand shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart.
To dismantle these walls, one must approach love and admiration with grounded authenticity. Celebrate your partner’s virtues, but also embrace their humanity. Recognize that true intimacy thrives not in the shadow of pedestals, but in the warmth of mutual respect and shared experiences. When both partners stand together on even ground, they can gaze into each other’s eyes, not from a distance, but with the closeness that true connection affords.
In the end, the overlooked truth about pedestals is that they are barriers disguised as honors. Tear down these barriers, and what you’ll find is a relationship built not on unreachable heights, but on the solid foundation of equality and understanding.
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Pervaiz “P. K.” Karim
The Calcutta Kid