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“People Are Drawn Deeper into Tragedy Not by Their Defects but by Their Virtues.”

“People Are Drawn Deeper into Tragedy Not by Their Defects but by Their Virtues.” Human nature is often seen through a dichotomy of virtues and flaws. Traditionally, tragedy is attributed to human failings—flaws such as hubris, greed, or envy. Yet, paradoxically, it is often people’s virtues, not their defects, that lead them deeper into the…

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“Spend Your Money on the Things That Money Can Buy; Spend Your Time on the Things That Money Can’t Buy.”

“Spend Your Money on the Things That Money Can Buy; Spend Your Time on the Things That Money Can’t Buy.” In our fast-paced, consumer-driven world, the adage “spend your money on the things that money can buy; spend your time on the things that money can’t buy” offers timeless wisdom that invites reflection on the…