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New Zealand’s Secret: Why is it 80% empty?

1,253 views May 9, 2023 New Zealand’s Secret: Why is 80% empty? Want to know why 80% of New Zealand is empty? The answer lies within the mountains and rugged terrains of New Zealand. In today’s video we look at New Zealand’s Secret: Why is 80% empty? 15 reasons why New Zealand is the best…

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Why 80% of New Zealand is Empty

Why 80% of New Zealand is Empty, Map Tiler Special thanks to MapTiler / OpenStreetMap Contributors and GEOlayers 3 https://www.maptiler.com/copyright/ https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright https://aescripts.com/geolayers/

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The Archaeological Finds That Tell The Story Of The Americas | Before Columbus

Modern science has learnt a lot about indigenous Americans in a relatively short space of time, how is this possible? The answer if through archeology. This documentary talks us through how we’ve learned about all aspects of indigenous American life and culture through buried secrets. From the ancient civilizations of years past to the dawn…

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Billionaires Who Don’t Want You to Know They’re Richer Than You Think

3,252,613 views Feb 7, 2018 Asked to name the world’s billionaires, you will likely cite Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Well, you aren’t exactly wrong going with traditional sources such as the Forbes Billionaire List. However, some individuals aren’t on this list but control an immeasurable amount of dark wealth. Levels of Wealth: Inside The…

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15 TALLEST BUILDINGS in the world

With thousands of new buildings being constructed every year, the ranking of the world’s tallest buildings is constantly changing. 15 COOLEST Corporate Headquarter Buildings Corporate headquarters buildings not only serve as the operational hubs for global companies but also stand as iconic architectural landmarks. These remarkable structures combine innovative design, functionality, and grandeur, representing the…

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The Arab Spring: The Protests that Brought Down Nations & The Chaos that Followed

The REAL Arab Spring: Qatar & UAE, Syria & Saudis Restore Ties “Directly Complicit”: Shadi Hamid on How Obama Greenlighted 2013 Egypt Coup, Killing the Arab Spring 147,141 views Jul 7, 2023 On the 10th anniversary of the 2013 coup in Egypt when General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi removed the country’s first democratically elected president from…

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The REAL “Fallen Angels” They Don’t Want You To Know About

403,733 views Dec 10, 2023 #universeinsideyou Etched within the venerable pages of ancient texts and shrouded in the mystique of old mythologies, there lies a theme both haunting and enthralling: the saga of the fallen angels. These celestial entities, known as the Watchers, are shrouded in awe and dread, and have ignited the flames of…

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Earth Has More Than One Moon and They Are Really Weird!

914,456 views Oct 13, 2023 #v101science When we look across the solar system hundreds of fascinating moons can be observed. Our planet, Earth, contributes just one to the list, the Moon. But is this big bright grey neighbor of ours really the only natural thing orbiting us? Well, it turns out that’s not the case. Earth…

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Frozen Civilizations Found Under The Ice In Antarctica

2,172,422 views Jun 11, 2023 #ancientcivilizations#antarctica#pyramid Frozen Civilizations Found Under The Ice In Antarctica Join us on our journey today through all the civilizations lost to time and to the ancient ice that once covered our beloved Earth! Find out, was there pyramids in the Antarctica? What mysteries lay frozen beneath the ice? Stay tuned…

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Mysteries Beneath the Ice: The Secrets of Antarctica

3,310,007 views Premiered Feb 22, 2024 #Antarctica #Conspiracy Mysteries Beneath the Ice: The Secrets of Antarctica Rumors of UFOs and other strangeness in Antarctica go back a long time. Operation Highjump arrived in 1946 with a heavily armed US Navy fleet. Their mission was to extend American sovereignty over Antarctica. The mission was supposed to…

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The 24-Hour Life of the Mayfly

At the bottom of the Mississippi River, mayfly larvae erupt out of the mud and head towards the surface. Mayfly Madness | Wild Mississippi The life and times of the mayfly on the Mississippi — all twenty-four hours of it. Mayfly’s incredibly short and action-packed lifecycle A Mayfly goes through three incredible and distinct transformations…

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Legend of the Yellow Emperor 

128,929 views Premiered Feb 6, 2023In Chinese mythology, the Yellow Emperor, also known by his Chinese name Huangdi, was the most ancient of five legendary Chinese emperors as well as a patron of Taoism. He was also a culture hero, credited with inventing numerous useful items as well as the introduction of civilization itself. Ancient…

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Fireflies Glowing in Sync to Attract Mates

1,924,592 views Sep 4, 2016 Each year in late spring the Great Smoky Mountains National Park hosts a special light show, thanks to a species of beetle native to the region. These are the synchronous fireflies, known for coordinating their flashes into bursts that ripple through a group of the insects. As with other fireflies,…

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Planet Ant: Life Inside the Colony 

390,047 views Jun 5, 2018 Ant colonies are one of the wonders of nature – complex, organised and mysterious. This programme reveals the secret, underground world of the ant colony in a way that’s never been seen before. At its heart is a massive, full-scale ant nest, specially designed and built to allow cameras to…